Friday, 25 September 2015

End of Term Awards

Well done to our 4 recipients of Student of the Term.

Jupiter 1's student of the Term went to Bridie for amazing effort & work
Jupiter 2's student of the Term went to Henry for his excellent attitude
Mars student of the Term went to Caleb for being absolutely fantastic in everything he does
Principals Student of the Term went to Jerome for his excellent attitude and leadership.

Well done to you 4!  You all deserve this honour and I hope you are all feeling very proud.
Kia kaha

Maths Week Lucky Draw Winners

The lucky draw for those of us who got over 11 stamps during maths week happened at assembly on Thursday.  We had 2 board games and the teachers decided to do 2 draws.

The first winner was Anneliese and the second winner was Phoebe.
Here they are with their games!  Well done girls.

Maths Week Day Five

Wow!  What a week.  Miss Hawke had some amazing activities organised for the school.
On Friday we had our Amazing Race around Alfredton.  We had so many activities we had to complete.
First it started with the Bee Hives - we had to carefully construct the bee hives using all of the geometry skills we had.
Next we went to the Toothpaste Challenge.  Each group had to estimate how long we could squeeze out a tube of toothpaste.  This was lots of fun and created a lot of competition!
After that we went and estimated how much force/weight was needed to tow a person on Miss Hawke's dads steam train.  This was probably the highlight of the day for most of us!  We loved going for rides on the steam train.
We then did the bean bag throw just before lunch.  We had so many minutes to get as many bean bags in the bucket as we could - the adults kept tally charts for us.

Lunch was delicious!  Mr Hull and Mr Papworth cooked up a storm on the BBQ and we even onions with our sausages - YUMMY!

After lunch we kicked off again.  We started with an orienteering course around Alfredton School.  We certainly learnt a lot about reading compasses based on this activity.
Then we had out geometry treasure hunt where we had to find real life examples of geometric shapes - lots of creativity amongst the teams in the race to be first here.
Finally we did the water challenge!  We had to fill buckets with water by carrying it in a cup.  We didn't have long to do this and had to really get going.  It was loads of fun and ended up in a big water fight!  Here are some photos of the challenge:

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Maths Week Day Three

Today we put estimation skills into practice.  We estimated how many children we could squish into Miss Hawkes car!  Some us were very conservative and thought we could get around 11 - 15, others thought 23 - 25 but one person actually estimated it correctly.  Congratulations to Miss Gallie who estimated 27 children and was correct!  Here is some of the video footage

After Lunch Michelle came and talked to us about how she uses Maths in her job at the council dropping poles into farms on the helicopters.  It was really interesting.

Maths Week Day Two

Wow!  There has been such a buzz around school about maths.  The children are enjoying every minute of it.

Today we had the lego challenge outside.  It was very exciting and we had some amazing towers constructed in the 10 minute timeframe.

It was certainly an exciting 10 minutes.

In the afternoon we were treated to a visit from THE WIZARD!
He came and asked us some questions, giving out prizes to those who got them correct.  There were a few sparkly pencils and erasers floating around the school after his visit.

Our visitors in the afteroon were Ronnie and Michael from Arrow FM and Constable Kealy.  They talked to us about all the different ways they maths in their job.  We learnt about how the police use measurement and how it is important to estimate in your head first before you calculate when you are working out timings on the radio shows.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Maths Week Day One

Maths Week has finally arrived!  Miss Hawke and the staff have taken up a lot of time planning and preparing for Maths Week.  Today we had Mr Heathcote come down to speak to the children about the maths in his job on the farm.  We also had basic facts at morning tea and an outdoor challenge at lunchtime doing scale drawings.
It was a great day and a fantastic start to what is going to be a great week filled with Maths Mystery!

One of the teams working on their rabbit scale drawing

A completed scale drawing

Some of our younger mathematicians at work on their scale drawing

Now that is great team work!

The finished result

Miss Hawke did an amazing job getting the grids set up today and preparing everyone for the challenges ahead.
Watch out for more updates over the week!

Kapa Haka

Last Thursday (the 10th of September) our Kapa Haka group performed for the first time at the Wairarapa North Cluster Cultural Festival.
It was a fantastic day had by all.
Here are some photos of the day and the video of the performance - we hope you enjoy it!

Here is the video of the performance.